Saturday, May 8, 2010

We have Teenagers on our Hands!

This morning, as we were all lounging on the family bed, we started some interesting discussions. In no particular order, here are some snippets.

I like to think of my (manhood for lack of a better word) as a raging dog, a rottweiler, german shephard mix as it were...

I want to go to the mall, I want to go to the mall, I want to go to the mall...

Speaking of (insert girlfriend's name) attributes...

Honey, I think we have teenagers on our hands (covers head with pillow and moans)

Hey, makeout with me and they will leave the room...

You know I love you, don't you?

Good times, good, good, times!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Magnolia Tree

We have a beautiful magnolia tree in our front yard. We purchased it at Home Depot the year Nick was born, the sapling was about a foot tall. The tree is now taller than our house and just about as wide. Every year, there is a magical week, usually the middle of April, where the buds start forming and the blooms open. I'm always astonished by how gorgeous the flowers are, but that the inside of the magnolia is the true work of art. It took me years and years to realize how stunning the inside of the blossom was. I find it interesting that we find the same about our children. We are with them every day, we think we know them and what they are thinking and then they become teenagers. We start to notice changes, first small, then bigger, and then there is that one day that you truly see that whats inside them is truly the most beautiful part.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Picture of the Day - Some of the cousins

Brianna, Brandon, Sam, Kimberly, Nick
Brian, Ben, Kayla

Another One Bites the Dust

Nick and Sam have been taking part in theatre and acting for quite some time. Arlington Children's Theatre has long been our home away from home. This year, Nick's best friend Mitchell joined the theatre world, first with the school play and now with Seussical. We never in a million years thought that Ben would enjoy acting. I mean you have to get on a stage, in front of people and stuff and (gasp!) they may want you to talk, dance, or sing! This is NOT what Ben is about. At least until yesterday. A potential opportunity arose, by way of an ensemble part (a Fish/Cadet to be exact), Ben said "maybe, just maybe, he would like to be in the play". Al and I kind of laughed it off.  We then found out that the part was vacant and would be a perfect fit for all his requirements (no singing, dancing or acting alone - group is fine). He waffled back and forth, not committing until this evening - right before practice this evening. He said he would try it out and then tell me his decision. This is progress people, BIG progress for Ben. My friend Deb was scheduled to drive all the boys to practice and I thought, oh no, he won't go if I'm not driving him. Guess what? Deb came, he threw on his coat and happily got into the car without even a goodbye.

Al met him at the theatre on his way home from work, Ben could have cared less. I think at this point we are almost an embarrasement to him. How did this happen at 9! With Nick it really happened last year, 13 for pete's sake. We were an embarrasement to Sam at a very early age, like 2 weeks old. Ben though, I thought it would be longer. The last of my babies to love me and only me, just because I am Mom. I still get a few "you're the greatest Mom in the world", generally when they want money.

Anyway, I called Ben in the car on the way home from his first practice and asked him how it went. In his normal deadpan way he said "fine". But when asked if he enjoyed it, I got a "sure" out of him. In BenSpeak that means yes, very much. However, the motherlode came when I was just putting him to bed. I asked again what he liked, he said "everything" and when asked if he wanted to continue I got a big, huge "YES".
This boy is making major strides my friends, major strides!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Picture of the Day - Christmas Morning 2009

Christmas Drama

Christmas is over, along with all but one of the 12 birthdays we have between November and January. Here is a recap of how everything went.
  • Was told by middle son that this Christmas did not seem like the "small Christmas" he expected. In fact, he could not understand why he received so much. This was great until his Father overheard and went off on me again!
  • My Darling Dad has been back and forth to the Dr. and hospital with sudden hypertension attacks. Please pray that they will get this under control and find the root cause.
  • My Brother Matt and Family decided to surprise us and visit a few days after Christmas. There is nothing like cooking for 17! Thank goodness for the giant motorhome that they drove here in. Wonderul to see them all - the kids are growing up so quickly!
  • Boys received their roles in Seussical on the Sunday after Christmas. Nick is Horton, Sam is JoJo, and Ben, yes Ben, may actually take a part as a Fish/Cadet (this is a HUGE step for him!)
  • I had a few friends and family members mad at me for one reason or another, further adding to the stress!
  • Oldest son had teen New Year's Party and was extremely rude and ungrateful. Still mad!
  • Seussical rehearsals started at Arlington Children's Theatre, thus the beginning of driving back and forth to Arlington three times a week - fun, fun, fun!
That pretty much sums up the last couple weeks. I will elaborate on some of these topics in future posts.

Hope you all had a lovely, peaceful Christmas and New Year