Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Direction

Not that I don't have enough going on with just the family, but I have decided to change the focus of my blog. I will still include musings on family and friends, but in addition I want to add my addiction to everything artsy and craftsy. This will include recent and old artworks, photography, product reviews and rants. Hope you stay tuned!

Blast from the Past

I am migrating from an older blogging site and I am going to move over old posts. This will serve two purposes, to keep the memories alive for me (I'm not getting any younger!) and then I can get rid of the old site!

So here is the first gem:

Puppy Love
11:41am February 16th, 2008 By jnudler
Poem written by Mr. X to Miss Y
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Nothing Compares
to the Beauty of You!

Poem Received by Miss Y to Mr. X
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
No one could be
Sweeter than You!
Be MINE! xoxo
Ahhh, don't you remember those days when something so simple could give you butterflies in your stomach! Now it's all, don't get me anything for Valentines day since I have been stuck at home with sick, feverish kid for a WEEK and I didn't have time to get you anything!

Sam is 11 (but now almost 13)

11:49pm January 18th, 2008 By jnudler
Yesterday was Sam's 11th birthday. Amazing to think that he is already 11. It was a rather peaceful day, the first day since Christmas that I have not had a sick child home!!! Anyway, he decided that instead of getting the normal loot from us, he would prefer to go to Toys R Us and pick out his own presents. Now normally I would think this was a bad idea. (Will post later on the experience that I had with Ben when he turned 7 and we tried the same thing.) However, we were in and out of the store in less than 40 minutes after dropping $180. He was very happy, no fights (unusual) and sweetness all around. As we were walking back to the car I was informed that I must wrap the presents of course. I mean, how could he not open the presents that HE just picked out, how could I even think about not letting him OPEN THE PRESENTS! Being his birthday and all I decided to comply and I wrapped all up and happiness was had by all.

We had the usual bunch over for the sacred birthday dinner. Luckily it was a day when Al can get a home-cooked meal from work, otherwise it would have been home delivered pizza. All in all, a very nice day, no surprises or dissapointments (other than the cake incident which I will post later).

The Cake Incident

By jnudler
So, birthday went off without a hitch. Yah, done. So that evening, everyone has left, Birthday Boy (BB) begging to watch Celebrity Apprentice and stay up until 10pm. Birthday and all, decide okay. BB goes downstairs and the screaming ensues. Thrashing, tears, stomping and such. Apparently, BB had told Dad to save last piece of cake for HIM, after all it was his cake, so I could understand his point. Ben asks Dad for piece of cake, Dad, apparently not registering that birthday boy has specifically asked him to SAVE THE CAKE FOR HIM, gives little one cake. Now it is not like Ben has eaten all the cake, there is still a good half piece of cake left. However, to BB, this is completely unacceptable. I mean the injustice of it all! The horror that Dad could have done this, (seems like a rookie mistake to me, but that's just my opinion). BB's head starts spinning around and around for the next 20 MINUTES. Crying, stomping, yelling, berating the horror OF IT ALL! How dare we even try to reason with him that there is nothing that can be done at all. How dare I!!! I even offered to give Ben Ipecac and have him throw up cake and then give it back, but that one, as you can imagine did not go over very well. I keep repeating, IT IS WHAT IT IS, NOTHING CAN BE DONE, WE ARE SORRY, SO VERY SORRY THAT WE ARE JUST HUMAN. This makes child SOOOO MUCH angrierYell, doors are slammed and plans are made to move out. Five minutes later, he reappears, apologizes and asks when Celebrity Apprentice starts.
Go Figure. This is DEFINITELY something we need to work on this year!

I Freakin' Hate You!

12:18pm February 6th, 2008 By jnudler
Ben is a very schedule oriented child. This is due to the NLD/ASD that he has. When things change, he does not do well at all. So, I should have known that when I pulled him out of school after Christmas Break to go to disney that there would be a problem getting him back to school. Now a couple things about Ben. Number one, he hates school. It is difficult for him and he misses all kinds of social cues, and he does not learn in the traditional manner. Number two, he would rather be home than any other place in the world, even Disney.
We returned from our trip to Disney and he was sick. In fact I had at least one child home from school everyday from Christmas until this past Monday. Ben was out of school all last week, previous weeks, a day or two. Needless to say his schedule was completely off and he was having none of this school stuff. He gets extremely anxious and gets horrible stomache aches from it.  So, he really should have gone back to school last Thursday, but he was fighting me and frankly I just did not have it in me. Also he was getting over a stomach bug and I figured if I sent him he would just pick up something else. All weekend we talked about how he had to go to school on Monday, yada, yada, yada. Of course, Mom, no problem Mom, I can't wait to go back to school Mom. I should have known from the last one that it was all a bunch of hooey.
Sunday night, around 8pm, the negotiating starts. My stomache hurts, I will NEVER be able to go to school tomorrow, but I'll be happy to go on Tuesday. You know the deal. I stick to my guns and tell him there is no way of knowing that his stomach will hurt tomorrow, education is important, blah, blah, blah, and that his stomach hurts becasue he is anxious. This is the point where his head exploded. I AM NOT FREAKIN' ANXIOUS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!! I AM SICK!!!! Finally passes out from crying and all is quiet.
The next morning, alarm goes off, first words out of his mouth, you guessed it, "my stomach hurts". Nope, get out of bed, get in the shower come on, your friends will be so happy to see you... "I HAVE NO FRIENDS AND I HATE THEM ALL!!!" Finally get him in the shower and then start tickling him, which he tries to fight, but can't. This igets him in a better mood. Refuses to get dressed. I tell him that if he does not get dressed he will be subjected to me singing everything from this point on in song. Not just sing-song, but true song, different genres, arias and the like. This gets him going until we are ready to leave and he is holding his head and saying "FINE, IF YOU JUST STOP SINGING I WILL GET IN THE FREAKIN' CAR!!!"
Pull up to the drop off line at school. He is, at this point hyperventilating, telling me that his stomach hurts, that I suck because I did not bring him to the Dr. and that he is going to throw up. I start to get out the car to help him out and he screams "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING OUT OF THE FREAKIN' CAR!!!!" I said fine, then you get out, Mommy loves you, have a great day. Meanwhile the school attendant (I will not name any names, let's just call her FF for short) is standing their being EXTREMELY helpful by giving me dirty looks because we are BACKING UP THE DROP-OFF LINE! I get out of the car, tell him I will have to have FF drag him out. He climbs out saying many unkind things about school, mankind and such. He walks to the door, I, hoping he will not turn around am walking to FF without him seeing me. He of course, turns around as he is walking into the school, tears streaming down his face, snot running out his nose and leaves me with these gems. "SCHOOL IS FREAKIN' GAY" and "I FREAKIN' HATE YOU". I was stunned, but rather happy that he did not add Bitch to the sentence start going back to the car.
Being child number 3 and knowing he will pull himself together as soon as he gets inside and that the SPED teacher is their to greet him I feel okay. I say "Bye honey, Mommy loves you and have a GREAT day!" and FF looks at me and says "Gee, Ben seems a little anxious today" - Gee, do you freakin' think so!

Bite Me

By jnudler
My youngest son, Ben, has a learning disability called NLD which stands for Non-Verbal Learning Disability. It is very similiar to autism spectrum disorders and the docs suspect he also has Aspergers. Hard to tell as NLD is similiar. Anyway, one of the byproducts of this, is that he takes everything very literally. So, for example if I say "It's raining cats and dogs" he will go to the window looking for the cats and dogs. You have no idea how many figures of speech you use each day. I am constantly explaining things that people have said. He also contemplates everything so it may take him days or weeks before he asks about something someone said.
So, this morning, while getting ready for school I happened to find a pair of socks that my Father had bought for me that say "Bite Me". He read the words and of course asked me why I would ever want someone to bite me, as it hurts and all. I explained that people use it sarcastically (again, completely lost on him) and may be meant in a mean or playful manner. Mind you, as I am talking about examples of when it might be used I realize I am digging my hole deeper and deeper. So, discussion stopped and we continued getting ready for school.
We go downstairs to eat breakfast and such and he is then putting on his shoes, which always take him an inordinate amount of time. So I make some sarcastic comment about how long it is taking and he turns to me and says "Bite Me".
I turn, laughing behind his back, and try to explain how that is in fact the correct USE of the expression, but that it is inappropriate to say to me. Nice job Mom!

Script Found Under Sam's Bed

12:14pm February 14th, 2008 By jnudler
Author: FG
Narrator: It's close to Mother's Day, Snoopy can't think of what he should get his mother, he thinks he should get her something she'll LOVE! All of his friends got their mother's gifts, but him.
Bobo the Monkey: "I got my mom a banana tree because she LOVES bananas!"
Oatmeal the Lizard: "I bought my mom a vacation to Africa, she loves blending in with the environment."
Narrator: Snoopy thought about what his friends got their moms, but his mom didn't like Aftrica or bananas so he thought about something else.
Snoopy: I bet I know something my mom would love more than a store-bought gift, I will make her dog-treats and a big card. I'll also give her LOTS of LOVE!
Narrator: And so Snoopy's mother loved her gift more then Bobo's or Oatmeal's moms because Snoopy made his with Love.
Not sure when this was written, found under his bed. Thought it was really cute and fitting being Valentine's Day and all. The Author's name is protected as she will totally freak out if I actually typed her name and all on the INTERNET!!!
P.S. I don't know about you, but I would so dig going to Africa!

Let's Talk About Sex...

By jnudler
I made a decision early on that I was going to talk freely with my children about sexuality, bodily functions and the like. I feel like the more you talk about this stuff, the less chance they will be embarrased by it when someone else is talking about (I mean what is MORE embarrasing then talking to your mother about it!). The way I figure it, the more correct information they have the better. So, while discussing an a story about a friends child talking about the workings of a wet dream, Nick, my 12 year old was completely mortified, covering his face and all. Sam, my 11 year old wanted to know all about everything and Ben, my 7 year old was sitting there saying, I don't get the big deal, I mean it happens to all boys and they are just words...penis, erection, ejaculation, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL!. At this point Nick leaves room groaning. We then decide to put it to song. This would be sung to the tune of the Pepto song. And goes like this:
Ends up with Ejaculation
Quite catchy if you ask me. Of course Ben has been running around the house replacing Ejaculation with Precipitation or Evaculation.
I tell my BFF Gail about this. She is the queen of putting words to song. She has two girls, 11 & 9 and she came up with this song while shopping at Shaws.
Sung to the tune of Be Our Guest (from Disney's Beauty & the Beast)
See my breasts
See my breasts
They're protruding from my chest
You can't miss em
Girls will diss em
and the boys won't let it rest
What's down there?
I see hair!
It is causing quite a scare
I am really not ready for what comes next
My face is oily
The bloating's not for me
Midol's best
If you'll just
let me rest!
Enough said. At some point we will sing and record for you all!

I Don't Know Whether to Laugh or Cry!

By jnudler
Last night in the Nudler family bed the following conversation would have been overheard.
Sam: You know, we wrote a Brook Book at the Living Lab and I dedicated it to you.
Me: You DID, thank you honey. What was it about?
Sam: A big, brown, bat
Me: Ohhhh, that made you think of me????
Sam: No, I just couldn't think of anyone else to dedicate it too.
Me: Thanks a lot.
Later in the Evening
Sam: I wrote a dedication to you.
Me: Really, what does it say? (with trepidation in my voice)
Sam: To my Mom, who always inspires me to do my best!
Me: (Obviously with tears in my eyes) Oh Honey, is that really true, thank you so much, that is just beautiful and means a lot to mommy! (Hugs child)
Sam: Actually, I may have not said inspire, but who makes me do my best.
Me: (Tears drying up) Well, that's still a nice thought and inspire is kind of like making you do something anyway, right? (I am hanging to a thread at the moment)
Sam: Well, if you really want to know the truth, I copied it from what Mrs. Courcy wrote on the board. But I really meant it!
You gotta love them!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Been Awhile....

It's been a long, long while actually. Not sure what has happened too all the time. Quick update and I will make a concerted effort to post EVERY day. Not that anyone probably cares about what I write, but just for the history books of the Nudlers - I will carry on!

So, lots has happened in the last year or so. Bubi (Al's Mom) came to live with us in Jan. 08 after her heart attack. We had a wonderful 9 months with her, until she died from cancer on September 30th of last year. Having her here and taking care of her was both the best thing and hardest thing I have ever done in my life, next to having children and Al. We all miss her very much and I am dreading the next week.

On a happier note, N is in 8th grade, S is in 7th and B started 3rd at the public school this month. Knock on wood, but everyone, including B seems to be doing extremely well. We just signed off on his IEP and placement, but will continue to meet with the school team every 6 weeks or so.

This summer was a bit crazy - but a summer of some firsts. This was the first summer where I was able to let the kids swim in the pool together WITHOUT ME! This is huge people. N got himself a girlfriend in June and they are still going strong (very nice and age appropriate relationship). S & N were both in the summer play at ACT and had great roles. They were in Urinetown and N was Lockstock and S was Barrel. Very funny and they played great off each other. B spent most of his summer at camp. He started off with 4 weeks at the Extended Year Program at Crisafulli with his best friend, then went to summer camp at Academy North's Camp Triumph for two weeks and finished up with a week at Basketball Camp in Littleton. The first for him was that he went to two camps where he did not know a soul and did fantastic! We are so proud of him! S is playing baseball this Fall, B is playing Flag Football and Baseball, and N is playing Football. N has already had three injuries and currently has a cast on his right arm and hand. He will not be playing for at least another few weeks.

A is working at State Street currently on contract. He left Fidelity after many years in Jan. 09. He is enjoying the job, but the commute sucks. Marlboro vs. Boston, no contest, however we are just super thrilled he has a job!

More Later - jules

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark This Day in History

Today, Thursday, Feb. 13th, 2009, Ben Nudler said for the first time EVER I don't want to stay home, I don't care if I have a fever, and then he uttered these magic words "I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!"

I desperately wanted to send the boy to school, because his fever from last night was gone, however the Dr. wanted to see him. So, I had to utter the words, no, you cannot go to school and the boy CRIED, he actually shed tears BECAUSE HE COULD NOT GO TO SCHOOL!!!!

After to going the Dr. and having a positive strep test, I chalk it up to the fever or the strep.