Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Script Found Under Sam's Bed

12:14pm February 14th, 2008 By jnudler
Author: FG
Narrator: It's close to Mother's Day, Snoopy can't think of what he should get his mother, he thinks he should get her something she'll LOVE! All of his friends got their mother's gifts, but him.
Bobo the Monkey: "I got my mom a banana tree because she LOVES bananas!"
Oatmeal the Lizard: "I bought my mom a vacation to Africa, she loves blending in with the environment."
Narrator: Snoopy thought about what his friends got their moms, but his mom didn't like Aftrica or bananas so he thought about something else.
Snoopy: I bet I know something my mom would love more than a store-bought gift, I will make her dog-treats and a big card. I'll also give her LOTS of LOVE!
Narrator: And so Snoopy's mother loved her gift more then Bobo's or Oatmeal's moms because Snoopy made his with Love.
Not sure when this was written, found under his bed. Thought it was really cute and fitting being Valentine's Day and all. The Author's name is protected as she will totally freak out if I actually typed her name and all on the INTERNET!!!
P.S. I don't know about you, but I would so dig going to Africa!

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